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Health Benefits Of Owning A Dog


Dogs have been known to be man’s best friend for centuries. Dogs make great companions, and they offer unconditional love, joy,  and excitement in our lives! But what many people don’t know is that dogs can also be our healthiest friends! There are tons of documented health benefits from pet ownership-from decreased blood pressure to regulating heart rate, from calming effects on adults to increased activity in children. Owning a dog has been shown to reduce stress and its symptoms and increase social connections and feelings of happiness. This article will explore many of the significant health benefits of owning a dog.

People Who Own A Dog Have Less Stress

Many studies have focused on how dogs affect our mental health. For example, one study found that people who own dogs have lower adrenaline responses when they’re stressed out-meaning their bodies are less inclined to produce high levels of stress hormones when feeling anxious or nervous. In addition, it’s been scientifically proven that having a dog around can decrease symptoms of stress. The simple act of petting an animal has calming effects on humans. So the next time you need an instant mood boost, find your dog and give them some love!

Owning A Dog Improves Your Blood Pressure

If you’re one of the many people who suffer from high blood pressure, owning a dog might be just what you need to help get your numbers back down. Studies show that owning a dog can lower your systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels by 4-11 points. Other studies have shown that adults with hypertension who spend time walking their dogs in a park significantly increases physical activity.

The most common explanation for why this happens is the positive effect that interaction with a pet has on heart rate and stroke volume – meaning it strengthens the left ventricle, which pumps blood filled with oxygen throughout the body. This helps decrease stress on your cardiovascular system and improve overall health!

Owning A Dog Increases Your Overall Happiness

Studies have found that having a dog in the home can increase overall levels of happiness. This is because dogs provide unconditional love and companionship. Whether you’re happy, sad, excited, or angry, your pup will always be there to greet you with a wagging tail and lots of licks! Many studies show that when we pet our pooches, we release oxytocin in our brains which causes us to feel pleasure and eventually leads to feelings of happiness.

Another study showed that owning a dog while growing up was associated with lower rates of anxiety and depression and higher self-esteem later in life among women. It’s been proven that people who own pets tend to engage in more physical activity, leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Owning A Dog Increases Your Social Connections

Being around other people is good for your mental health. Because dogs are constantly socializing with their owners, they also benefit from increased social connections. Humans are pack animals who rely on each other for survival, which means that keeping strong bonds between friends and family members is important to overall wellness.

Studies show that when you have a dog, you’re more likely to meet up with friends and family-especially those whom you wouldn’t normally spend time with! In fact, studies show that having a dog in the home results in an increase of 1—3 hours per week of socialization.

Dogs Help You Stay Active

Studies have shown that having a dog around can help with off-the-job physical activity. People who own dogs are more likely to stick with their exercise routine because they know if they don’t go on long walks or run outside, their furry friends will be there waiting for them at home! It’s no secret that dogs need lots of exercise and stimulation, which means the owners usually get just as much out of it as the pets do! The increased daily activity helps decrease insomnia, stress, and depression symptoms.


Owning a dog is good for your health. Many studies have shown that having a furry friend around can lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, decrease feelings of stress and anxiety, increase social connections among family members, make you more likely to meet up with friends or go on walks in the park, which also increases happiness and decreases depression symptoms! Owning a dog has been shown to reduce the effects of diabetes by keeping glucose levels stable. It helps people living with diabetes eat healthier, which lowers their overall stress levels, allowing them to be happier. Overall owning a dog increases physical activity, which benefits both humans and pets alike- leading them to feel happier and healthier overall!