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What To Pack For A Spring ATV Ride


Spring is almost knocking on the doors, and now is the time for trips! One of the most popular and recreational vehicles on the market, which is also great for travel, is an ATV. But just like any other vehicle, you need to give yourself time to get familiar with the ATV. Next comes planning an ATV ride. For a trip, you must have all the necessary gear. Safety should be your number one priority! According to reports, over 300 ATV-related accidents happened in the year 2016. 

But the good news is that the usage of ATVs hasn’t gone down at all, which means that people are becoming more and more conscious of their safety. A very crucial part of being safe on an ATV trip is providing yourself with the right gear. Though the list can be long, here is a list of some of the essentials you need to pack for an ATV trip.

First Aid Kit

You really can’t miss this while packing for your ATV ride. Even with all protections, accidents could happen. Make sure you have antiseptics, band-aids, adhesive tape, cotton, gauze rolls, and personal medicines. You must also have your identification proofs, emergency contacts, and medical reports with you if you get knocked out.

Enough Food And Water

Besides all the above, you will need enough food and water to keep yourself going throughout your trip. You need to pack many food items that don’t need a lot of space yet would give you the energy you need. It would help if you remembered to fill your water bottle as well, even if it would be a short ride. You will need to bring enough water that would suffice your drinking, cleaning, and cooking needs.

Protective Clothing And Accessories: 

Here are the essentials that would come in handy for your adventure in the wild.

  • Long-sleeved shirt and pants: These types of clothes help to protect your skin from cuts or injuries. It also acts as a layer of sun protection.
  • Goggles: Goggles are essential as your eyes are susceptible to dirt or dust, and they need protection from debris.
  • Helmet: You should always wear helmets as you ride through the rugged terrain. As statistics show, helmets reduce accidents by 42%.
  • Gloves: Gloves would act as protection from dust, dirt, and debris. It would also absorb the vibration from the ATV and help you be comfortable.
  • Proper Shoes: It would be best if you avoided slippers and sandals. The type of shoes that you can wear are tennis shoes or hiking boots. But the best option would be to wear ATV boots, though it is optional. It will be the optimal choice if you have them.  

GPS, Cellphone, Map, And Charger:

ATV trips need a lot of planning. This planning includes mapping out your route too. You should carry a forest service map and invest in a GPS (it never hurts to be safe). It would be great if you also had a fully charged smartphone, preferably which has GPS. It will save you if you get lost as it would help pin down the exact coordinates that you are in and help you find out your way. Here are the things that you must have before you start your trip-

  • Fully-charged cell phone
  • Charger
  • Additional power source
  • GPS
  • Compass
  • Map with trails

Winch And Tow Strap:

If you are a person who rides out often with their ATV, you must have faced your ATV getting stuck at one point. That is when you will need the tow strap that is in your ATV gear. Besides the above purpose, you can use a tow strap in many other ways too. For example, if you face a fallen tree in your path or any other obstacles, you can use your tow strap to remove such barriers.

You have to think creatively! A winch comes in handy, too, if you are stuck in mud or snow. In these cases, a winch works better than a tow strap. You can also use a winch to load your ATV into a trailer or truck.


Besides the list of essentials above, you must carry some more things too. You should bring flashlights, duct tape, a hardy knife, spare batteries, and screwdrivers in case of mechanical failures. If you are going to camp too, do not forget your tent and sleeping bags. It would be best if you also remembered to carry sunscreen, bug repellants, socks, radio, extra clothing, space blankets, and even a camera. This guide would help you a ton for your next ATV trip. Following these guidelines would ensure that you are safe and having a lot of fun.