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How To Get Rid Of Rats At Home


Rats are an annoying pest that can make your home feel like a living hell. They are the most common rodents found in homes, and they carry some nasty diseases with them. If you want to get rid of this problem for good, then there are some steps you need to take before it becomes out of control. This blog post will give you some tips on how to get rid of rats in your home!


There are a few different types of traps that you can use, but the best type is the traditional snap trap. These traps are easy to set up, and they are effective at catching rats. When setting up your traps, make sure to place them in areas where you have seen the most rat activity. Also, keep in mind that rats are shy creatures, and they will avoid traps if they see or smell them. For this reason, it’s important to use bait with your traps. The best baits for rats include cheese, peanut butter, and bacon bits.


There are a few different types of rat poison available on the market, but the most effective one is called bait blocks. These blocks are made to look like food, and they contain a deadly toxin that will kill rats instantly. When using bait blocks, make sure to place them in areas where you have seen the most rat activity. Also, keep in mind that bait blocks should only be used as a last resort because they can be harmful to pets and children if ingested. Make sure to keep bait blocks out of reach from children and pets.

Peppermint Oil

If you are looking for an all-natural way to get rid of rats, you should try peppermint oil. Rats hate peppermint’s smell and will avoid it at all costs. To use this method, simply mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water and spray it in areas where you have seen rat activity. You can also put peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them in areas where you don’t want the rats to go. Peppermint also works as a great deterrent for other pests, such as spiders and ants.

Adopt A Cat

Cats are natural predators of rats, and they will kill them without any hesitation. Not only will they take care of your rats, but they’ll be your new best friend and snuggle buddy! Cats are known to reduce stress levels, and they are a great addition to any home. You’ll also be providing a home for a homeless animal, which is always a good thing. If you don’t have a cat, then you can always contact your local animal shelter or rescue group and ask if they have any adoptable cats.

Dry Ice

Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide, and it’s extremely effective at killing rats. When using this method, place the dry ice in a sealed container and put it in areas where you have seen rat activity. The carbon dioxide gas will slowly seep out of the container, and it will suffocate any rats inside. Keep in mind that this is a dangerous method to use, and you should only do it if you are comfortable with handling dry ice. Dry ice can cause skin burns and respiratory problems, so make sure to use extreme caution.

Seal Up Your Home

Rats are expert climbers, and they can easily get into your house through small cracks and holes. Sealing up your home will prevent them from getting in, and it will also stop them from breeding inside your walls. There are a few different ways to seal up your home, but the best way is by using caulk. Caulk is cheap, easy to use, and it’s effective at stopping rats from entering your home. There might be holes in your walls that you don’t even know about, so it’s important to do a thorough inspection of your home and seal up any cracks or holes that you find.

Crushed Pepper

Crushing up some pepper and spreading it in areas where you have seen rat activity will keep them away. Just sprinkle it on the ground or put it in a pepper shaker and sprinkle it around your home. You can also mix some pepper with water and spray it in areas where you don’t want the rats to go. Rats will stay away from anything that smells spicy, so this is a great way to keep them out of your home without using any harsh chemicals.

Contact A Professional

If you have tried all of the methods listed above and you are still having a problem with rats, don’t worry! You can always contact a professional to take care of the problem for you. Rat exterminators are experts at getting rid of rats, and they will have your home free of them in no time. Keep in mind that professional services can be expensive, but it’s worth it to get rid of those pesky rodents for good.


There are a few different ways to get rid of rats in your home, but the best way is by using a combination of methods. Try using traps, poison, cats, peppermint oil, and caulk to get rid of those pesky rodents for good. If you are having a tough time getting rid of rats on your own, then you can always contact a professional rat exterminator.