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What Foods Should Not Be Microwaved


Microwaves were once considered a revolutionary invention that would change the way we cooked our food. They make it easier to prepare and heat up meals, and because they use less energy than other cooking methods, they became popular in both homes and restaurants alike. But as microwaves become more common, many people began wondering whether or not this appliance is safe. The truth is: yes! Microwaves are safe for most foods – but there are some things you should never cook in one of these appliances. This article will answer your questions about what foods should not be microwaved so that you can keep yourself healthy while still enjoying this convenient cooking method.

Processed Meats

One of the foods that should not be microwaved is processed meats. These products are filled with preservatives and chemicals to keep them fresh while they’re on store shelves, but there are even more toxins inside these meats once you pop them into a microwave. The microwave radiation actually excites these chemicals, which can form carcinogenic compounds called nitrosamines after being cooked. These substances have been linked to cancer in humans, so it’s best to avoid microwaving processed meats altogether.


Another food that should not be microwaved is potatoes. If you’ve ever had a baked potato before, then you know how delicious this starchy vegetable can taste when prepared correctly. When potatoes are cooked in a microwave, they tend to get soggy before they’re even fully cooked. What’s more, microwaving these vegetables makes them lose their vitamin C content, which also diminishes their nutritional value. For the best tasting spuds around, stick with baking or boiling instead of microwaving them.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are delicious when prepared correctly, but microwaving them is not the best cooking method. This egg dish tends to get rubbery and tough after it’s been microwaved, which hardly makes for a mouthwatering meal. If you want your eggs cooked fast without losing their taste or nutritional value, boil some water on the stove while you put them in a bowl of cold water until they’re cooled completely. Then add your eggs to boiling water and cook them on medium heat for around 10 minutes.

Coffee And Tea

Coffee and tea are tasty drinks that can also provide you with antioxidants to protect your body from disease. Most people drink coffee or tea when they’re in need of a quick energy boost. Unfortunately, the microwaves needed to heat up these beverages destroy many of their health benefits as well as their flavor. The microwave radiation destroys compounds like catechins and other antioxidants, so it’s best to avoid drinking microwaved coffee and tea if you want to keep yourself healthy.

Raw Meat

Cooking raw meat in a microwave could be dangerous because the radiation makes the meat much hotter than it would be if you used another method of cooking. Since many germs and bacteria live on the surface of uncooked meats, this hot steamy environment provides ample opportunity for bacteria to spread and multiply rapidly – which could leave you with an unpleasant case of food poisoning. Even for ground meats, it’s best to cook them on the stovetop or grill to kill any harmful bacteria that could be living on their surface.

Hot Peppers

Hot peppers are great for adding a spicy kick to your meals, but they should never be microwaved. In addition to making these vegetables tough and chewy, microwaving them also releases acrid fumes that will make your eyes burn – not only during the cooking process but even hours after you’ve finished preparing your meal. If you want a hot pepper with a little more flavor and aroma, try roasting them in an oven instead of using the microwave.

Breast Milk

Breast milk is one of the best foods for newborn babies, but microwaving it can destroy some of its health benefits. The microwave radiation can alter compounds like amino acids and proteins in breast milk that help fight off infections in infants. Cooking these substances with heat or high-pressure processing can actually change them, so they aren’t as healthy anymore. Breast milk is safest when it’s prepared cold and given to your baby immediately after you express it from your body.


Rice is a popular side dish at many restaurants, but the grains have been known to become hard and crunchy after being microwaved. The problem is that when rice becomes microwaved, it actually changes the chemical structure of the grain into something indigestible by humans. It’s not deadly or harmful if you do decide to eat this type of cooked rice, but eating it will just leave you feeling uncomfortably full for longer than usual. Food poisoning can sometimes result from microwave cooking rice.

Spinach And Other Leafy Greens

Leafy greens like spinach and kale offer many health benefits, including high amounts of iron, calcium, potassium, and vitamin C. They’re also great additions to various dishes that taste delicious, both hot and cold – which is why you might not think twice about microwaving them. Unfortunately, the same radiation that heats up your food can also destroy nutrients like vitamin C and carotenoids, making these greens less healthy than they were original.


There are a few types of foods that you should never microwave, as they can be dangerous to your health or simply don’t taste very good when microwaved. Hard-boiled eggs, coffee and tea, raw meat, breast milk, rice, spinach, and other leafy greens are all best prepared using different cooking methods than the microwave. By following these simple guidelines, you can avoid ruining your food’s nutritional value or taste and keep yourself healthy in the process!