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Ways To Deal With Shin Splints

Do you experience pain in your shin area? Are you having a hard time running or participating in other activities? You may have shin splints. Shin splints are a common injury that can be very frustrating. In this article, we will discuss ways to deal with shin splints. Shin splints typically happen due to the overuse of the muscles and tendons around the shin.

Shin splints can occur if you participate in activities that require repetitive impact on the shins, such as running or playing basketball. Shin splints can also be caused by wearing shoes that do not provide adequate support. If you have flat feet, you may be more susceptible to developing shin splints. Keep reading for prevention tips to avoid this injury altogether!

Rest Your Body

One of the best ways to deal with shin splints is to rest your body. This means taking a break from any activities that may be causing pain in your shins. If you are a runner, you may need to take a few days off from running or decrease your mileage. It would also help avoid any high-impact activities, such as jumping or jogging on hard surfaces. Instead, focus on low-impact activities, such as walking, swimming, or biking.

Workout On Softer Surfaces

If you are going to continue participating in high-impact activities, it is important to workout on softer surfaces. Try running on a soft trail instead of concrete. Try playing on an outdoor court instead of concrete if you play basketball. This will help reduce the amount of impact on your shins.

Avoid Sudden Increase In Physical Activity

A sudden increase in physical activity can also lead to shin splints. If you are starting a new exercise routine, increase your activity level gradually. This will give your body time to adjust and avoid injury.

Apply Ice

Another way to reduce pain and swelling associated with shin splints is to apply ice to the affected area for 20 minutes. Do this several times per day until the swelling has gone down. You can also take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen to help reduce pain and inflammation.


Stretching the muscles and tendons around the shin can also help to reduce pain and prevent further injury. There are many different stretches that you can do to target the shin area. For example, you can try a standing calf stretch by placing your hands on a wall and stepping back with one leg. You should feel a stretch in your calf muscle. Hold this position for 30 seconds before repeating it on the other side.

You can also try seated toe raises to stretch the front of your shins. Sit in a chair with your legs extended and raise your toes toward the ceiling. Hold this position for 30 seconds before lowering your toes back to the floor. Repeat this stretch several times.

Wear Proper Shoes

One of the best ways to prevent shin splints is to wear proper shoes. This means shoes that provide adequate support and cushioning for your feet. If you are a runner, you may want to invest in a good pair of running shoes. You should also avoid wearing high heels, as they can strain the shin muscles and tendons.

Take Anti Inflammatory Painkiller

You can also take an anti-inflammatory painkiller to help with the pain and swelling. Ibuprofen is a common over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication that you can take for shin splints. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle.

Get A Massage

Getting a massage can also help to relieve pain and tension in the muscles and tendons around the shin. A professional massage therapist will know how to target the specific areas causing you pain. If you do not have access to a massage therapist, you can try using a foam roller or tennis ball to massage the area yourself.

Strengthen Your Lower Leg Muscles

Another way to prevent shin splints is to strengthen the muscles in your lower legs. This can help take some of the stress off of your shins when participating in activities. There are many different exercises that you can do to strengthen your lower leg muscles. For example, you can try calf raises. To do this exercise:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold onto a railing or wall for support.
  2. Slowly raise on your toes, then lower back down. 

You can also try ankle hops:

  1. Start by standing on one foot and holding the other foot off the ground behind you.
  2. Hop forward as far as you can, then backward to the starting position.
  3. Repeat this exercise 15 times before switching legs.


Shin splints can be a very frustrating injury to deal with. However, there are many things that you can do to reduce the pain and swelling associated with shin splints. Resting your body, applying ice, stretching, and wearing proper shoes are great ways to reduce pain and prevent further injury. You should also try to strengthen the muscles in your lower legs to take some stress off your shins. If you follow these tips, you will be on your way to recovery in no time!