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Is CBD The Future Of Veterinary Medicine

CBD has been a hot topic in the United States for some time now. It’s used to treat everything from anxiety and depression to chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder. In recent years, it has begun to gain traction as a treatment option for pets with seizures, cancer, arthritis, and more. CBD is already being used by many pet owners who swear by its effects on their animals’ health and well-being – but what does science say? Continue Reading To Learn More!

CBD: A Basic Understanding

In Order to understand why CBD should be in the discussion for veterinary medicine, we first need to understand what it is. CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a chemical compound that can be found in the cannabis Sativa plant (marijuana). It’s different from THC, which is the psychoactive component of marijuana and gets users high when ingested. CBD does not contain any of the psychoactive components found in THC, meaning it doesn’t make you feel “stoned”.

CBD has been gaining notoriety recently because research indicates that may be used to treat a variety of ailments. It’s even being researched as an effective treatment for some types of epilepsy. In humans and animals alike, CBD can have significant effects on anxiety, pain management, inflammation reduction, and more. In veterinary medicine specifically, CBD is often suggested as a way to manage chronic conditions.

The Legality Of CBD Use In Veterinary Medicine


One of the biggest hurdles in veterinary medicine is becoming familiar with and using treatments that are considered “alternative”. Some vets may be hesitant to recommend CBD because it hasn’t been thoroughly researched yet. However, there has already been at least one study conducted on animals regarding the effects of CBD . It was published by Cornell University’s College or Veterinary Medicine which concluded that dogs who were treated with CBD experienced a reduction in pain associated with arthritis, as well as increased mobility after treatment.

Pain Medication Market


The pain medication market is a lucrative one. In 2011, it was estimated that the global pain management drug market would be worth $83 billion by 2018 . As of 2016, an annual report from Transparency Market Research projected this number to grow as high as 140 billion dollars in 2020 thanks largely to aging populations and emerging markets such as China. Annual sales for veterinary pharmaceuticals also grew from just over three billion dollars in 2010 to almost five and a half by 2015 .

This growth shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. However, vets are limited to prescribing only FDA-approved drugs within their practices. Enter CBD: effective , natural , safe…and not currently FDA-approved for use with animals or humans.


One of the primary reasons to use CBD is for pain management. A review published by Nature Reviews in 2015 found that cannabinoids are effective at treating both chronic and acute pain . Researchers even discovered ways it can be used as an anti-inflammatory, therefore reducing swelling associated with injuries or arthritis.

Bone Healing:

CBD has the potential to be used for more than just treating chronic conditions. For example, it’s being studied as a way to speed up bone healing. This is important because dogs are commonly at risk of arthritis, cancer and other diseases that can cause pain in their joints. CBD may help reduce inflammation , which could lead them on the road to recovery faster after injury or surgery.

Intervertebral Disk Disease:


Another condition commonly treated with CBD is intervertebral disk disease . This occurs when the disks between a dog’s vertebrae rupture and can lead to nerve damage, paralysis or even death. Dogs suffering from this are often given corticosteroids as treatment. However, they don’t always work. Research has shown that animals receiving both CBD and steroids experienced improved pain relief compared to those who only received one or neither of them after six weeks. Their quality of life was also improved by using the combination therapy.



Just like humans, animals are also susceptible to arthritis. This is especially common in older dogs who may be more likely to suffer from chronic pain or injuries that affect their mobility. CBD has been found effective at managing this condition. It does this by reducing inflammation of the joints which can help them feel better and move easier. When combined with other treatments such as glucosamine , chondroitin sulfate and MSM (a natural form of organic sulfur ), CBD oil helped reduce pain associated with canine osteoarthritis by up to 33%.

It even seemed safe enough for long-term use without causing side effects . Many vets recommend using hemp supplements along with traditional medications instead of replacing them entirely – but research indicates that these two treatment methods work well together too.


Whether it’s due to travel, loud noises or separation anxiety , many dogs suffer from anxiety. The good news is that CBD has been used successfully in treating this condition . A study published by Frontiers in Pharmacology found that the cannabinoid helped reduce anxious behaviors and reactions (like drooling) associated with noise phobias like fireworks or thunderstorms. Even more promising: researchers discovered how CBD was able to activate neural pathways responsible for feelings of calmness without any psychoactive effects.  This means your dog can get relief without feeling high!


CBD has been shown to help animals with conditions such as arthritis, seizures, anxiety, and chronic pain. The use of CBD in veterinary medicine is still new but research shows it has the potential to be a game-changer for animal health. If your pet suffers from any of these symptoms or medical issues you might want to consider speaking with your vet about using CBD oil. CBD is a promising new form of treatment for animals. It will be exciting to see what the future holds in store!