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8 Most Dangerous Bugs In America


The arrival of summers for most hints at fun camping trips, barbeque parties, beach time, backyard games, among other fun outdoor activities. However, the same warm weather also draws out several insects. Despite their vital role as a part of the ecosystem, spotting one is the least bit pleasant. 

Although apart from the typical bugs, like honeybees, ants, or even cockroaches, there are various other more dangerous and creepy bugs. These may range from those that carry venom lethal to humans and animals to those that can cause allergic reactions or infect you with dangerous and deadly diseases. Messing with them is the last thing you’d want for yourself.  

The following article discusses eight such bugs you must be wary of and best avoid while outdoors for a safe and joyous summer. 

Yellow Jackets  

Do not mistake a yellow jacket for a harmless honeybee, as both of them have undeniable resemblance. While one might be happy for a moment to spot a honeybee, unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the yellow jacket, as the wasp is quite aggressive and repeatedly stings when threatened. Allergic reactions to the yellow jacket send more than 500,000 people to the emergency room every year. 

However, do not think that you’ve rid the place of the wasp even if you somehow manage to shoo it away, as a yellow jacket mostly is found in colonies with several other of their wasp friends. 

Black Widow Spider

Contrary to the small size and the distinctive red hourglass-like marking on the belly, which quite frankly is somewhat pretty, the black widow spider, in reality, is nothing but dangerous and terrifying. 

Though an encounter with a black widow is hardly fatal, the bite sure is no joke, as it is 15 times more venomous than a rattlesnake bite and can result in spasms, muscle pain, and abdominal cramps. 

The spider commonly hides in places like hollow logs, crawl spaces, and woodpiles, and therefore it goes without saying how fundamental it is to keep away from them. Furthermore, make sure to immediately visit a doctor if you think the spider has bitten you. 

Deer Tick

Ticks happen to be a notorious issue, especially for those with pets like dogs and cats. They can be hiding in the thick foliage or grass, who, upon finding a suitable opportunity, latch right onto humans or pets and thrive on their blood. 

However, while most tick species are undoubtedly harmless, the same cannot be said for the deer tick. They are capable of spreading diseases like anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and Lyme disease. What’s more, the conditions lacking treatment can result in neurological issues, fever, joint pain, etc. 

But there is good news, anyone who removes the tick within 36 hours reduces their chance of contracting a dangerous infection significantly. Whenever you’re outside, pay special attention to the surroundings for ticks and make sure you check your clothes, boots, and other stuff when camping. 

Red Fire Ant 

While it may be a little hard to spot a single red fire ant, it is undoubtedly straightforward to spot their colonies as they live in huge mounds ranging from two to four square feet in size. 

Primarily found in the southern United States, red fire ants are best left undisturbed, whether near a sidewalk or a structural foundation. When these fire ants retaliate, the sting is not just painful but can also cause massive swelling around the bitten area.

Kissing Bug

For anyone who requires an example of why one should never judge a book by its cover (in this case, the bug’s name), this is it. However innocent the name “kissing bug” may sound, the fact that these are indeed one of the most frightening nocturnal creatures you will come across remains.

The kissing bug typically bites humans around the lips and eyes, and one mark is all it takes to cause Chagas disease, a hazardous condition that inflicts damage on the central nervous system and heart. Even though these critters are commonly in the south and central America, they are also sometimes spotted in Texas among other southern states. 


Scorpions are yet another nocturnal pests and prefer living in warm and dry climates like deserts. However, the good news is that most American varieties of scorpions do not have lethal venom, unlike those found in Africa, but be careful as this does not mean that their sting is any less painful. 

If you are camping outdoors in the wild, or just taking a stroll outside at night, make sure you are wearing your shoes to avoid unpleasant encounters. What’s more, always shake out and check the clothing and shoes outside before deciding to put them on. 

Brown Recluse Spider 

Provoking a brown recluse can cause them to attack and bite you, which though not typically fatal, can surely result in fever, blisters, and difficulty sleeping. 

As for how to spot a brown recluse spider, the distinctive violin-shaped mark it has on its back is an excellent way to ensure the same. What’s more, though these venomous spiders are commonly spotted in woodpiles or beneath rocks, they also often hide in rarely worn clothing or shoes, attics, basements, and other crawl places. 

Under any suspicion of bite, immediately consulting a doctor is the way to go. 

Africanized Honey Bees 

While many honey bee species are harmless for the most part, the same is not so true for these Africanized bees, evident from the fact the other name of them is, in fact, “killer bees.” 

A hybrid between the African honey bee and one of many subspecies of European bees, the life-threatening Africanized bees can be found in America. 

Considering how fast and furiously they attack intruders, it is a significant concern worldwide, with already 1000 people dead in brazil due to the bees since their arrival in the region. But that’s just Brazil’s fatality. As they continue to spread throughout the central and southern United States and Mexico at the rate of around 200 miles/year, the terror is bound to grow intensely. 


There are many dangers, such as mosquitoes causing yellow fever to deer ticks causing Lyme disease, the killer bees, and some life-threatening others painful. And, since these insects are equally part of the environment as you are, prevention and alertness is the only way to ensure safety.

Whenever you come across such dangerous creatures, make sure you keep calm and at no cost intervene in their natural habitat or make them feel threatened. If you have a bug bite that continues to worsen, consult a doctor immediately. This is equally important if you are unsure of what bit you.